Last Thursday Brandon, Julie and I went to the Loving Choices Pregnancy Center in Fayetteville where they were doing free ultrasounds on moms between weeks 7 and 20. Last Thurs I was exactly 16 weeks, so we were hopefull that the nurse would get a shot of what the gender was. And before she even said anything Brandon and I immedietely noticed something on the screen that we didn't see the first two ultrasounds with our girls! The nurse, soon after, said, "Well... I think I know what the gender is!" Brandon, especially, was all smiles. He was SO hopefull for a boy this time. Like most dads, he has dreams of having a little buddy around to play sports and go hunting with. I am excited, too. I love my little girls and wouldn't trade them for the world.. but having a little boy around will be lots of fun, too (we'll be busy!) .
So, I guess I'm going to have to learn how to play toy cars, make mud pies and catch bugs! Two days before we found out the gender I saw this bright green grasshopper on our flowers on the back porch. I thought.. how fun would it be to paint the baby's room green and accent with burnt orange.. if it's a boy. So who knows what we'll end up doing in there. But it's fun either way to experience the privilege of having a boy!

Alyson, like her big sister, LOVES books. She has made a ritual every night to get up in the chair with her daddy and look at books. She is learning so many new words and recognizing many pictures. It is fun to watch little ones learn and discover new things in the world around them!

Alyson and Julie with their cousins, Cody and Cambry. They just live right down the road, so it is always a treat to have them over to play!

Even if this baby had been another girl, I really don't think Brandon would mind. He loves his girls. Who says girls can't watch and cheer on the football team, too!??

Julie is proud of her new tricycle. Her Papa (my dad) got it for her a few months back and she is so proud of it. It is a metalic pink and silver Schwinn. It reminds me of the antique, retro style. It had been at my parents house for her to ride over there, but recently brought it over here to ride. When we went on a walk the other night ( a rather long walk on the golf cart trail) she rode it the whole way and when we passed a couple that was walking she told them with such pride, "My Papa got this tricycle for me!!) It was so cute.

Last Friday Julie rode in the 'Trike-a-thon' at the Kid's Day Program at our church. She rode her new trike and had lots of fun!

Julie and her friends, Caitlyn and Kadyn.

At Connection Group Sunday night the girls and Mya went out to swing. The evenings are so nice these days to get out and play!
Mya Negley...

Alyson and Uunt Rachel...

Me and Aly Kate!
Kellye and LJ Hamblen... he is such a sweet baby boy!