Julie: "...and I would like a 'shooter'"
Santa: ".. a what??"
Julie: ".. a 'SHOOTER'
Santa: ".. a 'Shooter'?
Me: "... Oh- She said she would like a 'scooter'!
Santa: "...Oh! A Scooter!!"
Another birthday rolled around for me Dec. 7. I had a nice day.. I got to go with my two aunts, Linda and Janice, and my sister, Rachel, to the Christmas Tour of Homes, then to eat at the Catfish Hole that evening with my family. Patsy and Randy had us over afterwards to blow out candles on my cake (I'll save your eyes from having to squint and count the candles... THERE'S 26 OF THEM!!). The girls especially enjoyed the moment =)
Brandon's birthday December 15. Daddy and his girls! (do you think there's room for one more baby to fit on that lap?? I think he can do it =)
Julie went to her friend Emory's birthday party in December. The theme was to dress up as a bible character, and since this year we are studying the "Life of Moses" in Bible Study Fellowship, Julie chose to dress up as Moses! So, we made her a beard and Ten Commandments to wear around her neck. Mimi (my mom) even had a staff she could carry. Looks like a pretty good Moses, huh!

This year we hosted our Sunday School class Christmas party. We had a really good turn out as several couples got to come. We are so thankful for this group of friends to share with in the celebration of Jesus' birthday at Christmas time.
Every Christmas my dad's side of the family gets together for a big family party at the Ozark's Electric in Fayetteville. It is always a special time to be together and celebrate!
Me and my lovely momma, Kim. (*You're never too big to sit on your mom's lap)
It is always fun to take the girls to the Fayetteville Square every Christmas to see the lights and ride the ponies. It is one of Julie's favorite highlights of the Christmas season! Alyson even enjoyed riding this year for the first time. She was all smiles the whole time.

We have began our little (but growing) family Christmas tradition every year by opening our gifts at home on Christmas Eve. The girls each get to open new Christmas pajamas to sleep in that night and wear the next morning to Grandma Patsy's and Grandpa Randy's, then to Mimi and Papas to have Christmas with them.

Julie got a shooter!.... I mean a scooter!!

Christmas morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house with cousins Cody and Cambry
Cambry and Julie- good buddies
Chad and Amber

This year Patsy and Randy went in with Brandon and I to give the girls a play house. Brandon and Randy put it together for them and now they are just anxiously waiting for some warm weather to get out and play in it!
Papa even made a little wooden kitchen to go inside. But, this picture is the first model.. after this picture was taken he took it back out to the shop and remodeled it. Now it has a vent hood with a real light underneath!
One of dad's gifts (from his sweet nephews) was a deer plaque (without a deer rack) and at the bottom it says, "Randy's first deer 200?" I think the funniest part about it was dad laughing... he's a good sport.