Just a quick update on the kiddos. Julia is finishing up her Kindergarten year already! She graduated from Providence Classical Christian Academy Thursday night (4-29). It is a little bitter-sweet for me and just a glimpse of how fast it really will go! I think that is the #1 thing older moms tell me, is "You just really won't believe how fast it will go." I think that is the Lord's way of telling me, "Enjoy your children everyday and make the most of every moment!" Ok. Enough of that... back to Julia. She enjoyed playing Soccer in the Fall and Spring semesters. She had alot of fun, although it didn't come in so handy that we have instilled in her to 'share', 'take turns', 'be gentle'... it was a little awkward for her to get in there and get it first and to be aggressive! None-the-less she had fun and enjoyed playing. Going to school and having more responsibility has been good for her. I appreciate having her around three days a week at home and helping with the little ones. Julia is a great sister.
Alyson will be turning 3 in 2 weeks. So hard to believe my baby girl is getting to be that big! She is growing and changing so much as well. Her big personality is quite humerous sometimes. She just has this completely different way of looking at things... very comical! She either keeps me laughing or wanting to cry ;) I know the Lord gave her this special personality for a reason. I think I've mentioned this before, but my prayer for her is that she will be strong and bold for the Lord- I think she has what it takes!! But don't get me wrong. Alyson is the most loving, giving little girl and we really enjoy her. She still enjoys attending our church's Kid's Day Program and goes each Wednesday, which doesn't come around soon enough for her. She looks forward to going to 'school' everyday. Her best friend is Julie. It has been fun watching them grow closer in their sisterhood now that Alyson has turned into a 'big girl'. Sometimes I'll listen around the corner and hear them make-believe as they play babies or house. It is precious to see their little innocent minds and how they think...
Josiah turned one March 5. He is a big boy now, too! He began walking the week he turned one, so he is busy as he tries to keep up with his sisters. We have enjoyed having him around. Boys are sure different from girls! Early on he took up interest in playing with balls and cars and especially enjoys being outside. One thing I was always told before he came into the world was that, 'boys are so sweet and love their mommas!'. There is so much truth in that. Josiah is very close to his daddy- they are pretty big buddies, but he sure loves his momma. Every morning I really look forward to going in to his room and seeing his joyful smile and his readiness to see me. I just love his happy-go-lucky personality. I remember praying daily for him while he was in the womb that he would be a good, happy baby. ;)
Last, but not least, I have some exciting news to share. I would like to officially announce the upcoming arrival of our 4th (and hopefully final :) little blessing! We are expecting another baby, due to arrive around Thanksgiving. It was a little bit of a shock this time as we weren't quite expecting it to happen this soon. We knew we would eventually like to try for a little brother for Josiah, but God had His plan! Josiah and this baby will be about 21 months apart. I have been meaning to do this blog post for some time now, but have been putting it off. We had told our family at 8 weeks, but now that I am almost 11 weeks, there really isn't any hiding much longer as it is getting to be quite noticeable. So, for those of you who didn't know yet and just thought, "Wow! Miranda has really eaten good lately!" now you know :).
So, for those of you who are my prayer warrior buddies, please pray for our family as it will be busy and demanding, I'm sure, as we will have 4 under the age of 6. I know the Lord is good and by His Grace I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength. He is the One who gives and takes away, the Ever-Present help in trouble, the Prince of Peace, the I AM, and Sustainer. He comforts and protects, He guides and directs. What would I... could I do without Him?!?! So. Knowing all this and believing it, I have to die to self a little more and submit fully to Him as I will continue to need Him minute by minute. Raising children is such a blessing, but isn't always easy and I am no perfect parent by any means. In fact, I fail many times at what I do, but there is nothing else here on Earth that I'd rather be doing. This is what I love and have been called to do. So, please pray for me (us), and that God would give me a new excitement and take away any fears or doubts. It is so easy to allow our flesh to worry and say, I can't do this. Apart from Him, I can't. But with Him and the power He has given me I can!
I love you all and pray a special blessing on your lives.
Here are a few recent pictures of our 'growing' family. Enjoy!
Alyson Kate
Josiah's First Birthday!

I thought this picture was so cute of the grandpas in the background watching