Saturday Julie helped make the blueberry pancakes. When it comes to the kitchen she is the best little helper!
Rusty, Rachel, Mandy, Alyson, Julie, Brandon, Mom and Dad, and the 3 dogs: Canyon, Bingo and Dottie
Me and my girls! (and hiding inside: baby boy Campbell)
My beautiful Julia Cathryn
Rusty and Rachel
Ok, just kidding. But, when she's done using that pick and 'Big Sexy Hair' hairspray it is really cute!

Dad and Mom. Still in love after 30+ years!
Dad and Mom. Still in love after 30+ years!
Rusty and Rachel's new son, Canyon. He was such a good boy. I didn't hear him bark once the whole 2 days we were there! I don't know that we could have counted on him to give us the warning if there had been a bear or coyote at night!

Rusty and Brandon went out for a little while on Sat. to go hunting.

Brandon and Julie by the campfire Saturday night while listening to the Razorback game.

Me and my sweet baby girl

Mom and Dad's newest daughter, Bingo. She's a beautiful girl Boxer dog.. only a few months old. And dad let Julie name her Bingo!

Ok, so here's the cheering crew out in the woods listening to the poor Razorbacks- we were so close! Before we left home to go camping Brandon had looked on line to see what all the radio stations were that would get the game out near the area we would be camping. So, with a wind up radio and little added aluminum foil on the antenna, we were set! It actually came in pretty clear!

Julie was such a good helper. She helped Papa when sawing the wood for the fire.

Alyson walking with her daddy

And on a different note.. I had to share what my sweet mother-in-law,Patsy,has been up to. Just a few months ago I had mentioned how I wanted to learn how to make bows for the girls. Well, when you give that wonder woman a challenge, she is all over it! Soon after she went to Hobby Lobby and bought yards and yards of ribbon and made her 3 granddaughters bows galore!

Rusty and Brandon went out for a little while on Sat. to go hunting.
Brandon and Julie by the campfire Saturday night while listening to the Razorback game.
Me and my sweet baby girl
Mom and Dad's newest daughter, Bingo. She's a beautiful girl Boxer dog.. only a few months old. And dad let Julie name her Bingo!
Ok, so here's the cheering crew out in the woods listening to the poor Razorbacks- we were so close! Before we left home to go camping Brandon had looked on line to see what all the radio stations were that would get the game out near the area we would be camping. So, with a wind up radio and little added aluminum foil on the antenna, we were set! It actually came in pretty clear!
Julie was such a good helper. She helped Papa when sawing the wood for the fire.
Alyson walking with her daddy
And on a different note.. I had to share what my sweet mother-in-law,Patsy,has been up to. Just a few months ago I had mentioned how I wanted to learn how to make bows for the girls. Well, when you give that wonder woman a challenge, she is all over it! Soon after she went to Hobby Lobby and bought yards and yards of ribbon and made her 3 granddaughters bows galore!
Thank you, Patsy! The girls love them and they are adoreable in their hair!
And not only does she love her 3 granddaughters, but is crazy over her two grandsons, Cody(9) and also, the new baby boy to come in March! She and my father in-law are so excited that it's a boy so they have gone shopping and have totally helped fill the baby's closet with little boy clothes! Thank you Randy and Patsy... We can't wait to put them on him!!
This past Tuesday we went for our 20 week ultrasound at the clinic we go to. Both our moms, Kim and Patsy, as well as Julie, went with us to join in on the excitement. We were so excited that they have a new 4-D ultrasound machine! It was amazing the detail that it showed. Of course, he's only 20 weeks along, so he looks like a baby, but still a little 'alienish' (if that's a word). But it was so sweet to see him move. He kept opening and closing his mouth which they say they do that when they are drinking. You could see even little things like his little armpits and little rolls under his chin.. little fingers that moved and his little ears when he turned his head. I just don't understand how someone could think a baby in utero like that is not a person! It's a precious life.. a gift from God with a purpose for his life! Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of children.

Above: 4-D (he has his little arms up by his head- that's his elbows by his face. He usually liked holding his ears)
Below: 2-D