Merry Christmas! We hope you’ve had a great year filled with sweet memories and blessings. We have had a good mix of challenges and victories. I love how none of it goes to waste as God can use it all for our good! As I reflect over the course of the year, I am amazed at each of the kids’ growth and how far everyone has come in such a short amount of time.
Here is a recap of our 2019!
Julia: (Big Milestone year!). Attended her first Homecoming dance * Won first place in her heat in the 800 m race at a track meet, AND her team won first place at the State meet. * Served for two weeks away on the Nehemiah Team at New Life Ranch this summer * Completed all flags and earned her FISH at Swim Ranch * Became a new driver with a driving permit * Got her braces off * Began sophomore year in HS * Inducted into National Honor Society * Cheer team won first place at cheer competition this fall
Alyson performed, ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ at her piano recital. * Loves to design and make: built a 3 story hamster house out of popsicle sticks and also designed and sewed a stuffed animal red fox to name a few! * Began 7th grade/Jr. High at the upper campus and performed in the school musical: Lucky Lucky Hudson

Josiah turned double digits! * His soccer team won the championship in the Springfield and Kansas City tournaments this year. Josiah enjoys playing defender. * Overnight Summer Camp with buddies at New Life Ranch. * Began 5th grade at PCCA and enjoys the Flag Football elective most this year.
Elijah loved playing first base on his baseball team! * Attended first basketball summer camp with Josiah. * Started 3rd grade * Began taking piano lessons after discovering a natural gift and love for music! * Enjoyed going deer hunting this fall with Uncle Chad (and Cousin Cody!) * Best of all, gave his heart to Jesus and became a new Christian the week before he turned 9 years old!
November 3, 2019 The day Elijah gave his heart to the Lord.
Brandon took a new job within Tyson in May working internationally, traveling to Europe every other month or so. The company has recently expanded to other countries, so he has joined a team in getting the business started over there. He is enjoying the experience so far! I was able to spend 2 weeks away in July with him in Vienna, Austria, and London. We made some wonderful memories together!
Hallstatt, Austria
Gelato almost daily!
Westminster Abbey in London
St Stephens Cathedral in Vienna
Eye of London
As for me, I still homeschool the kids (boys) part time and keep our family “taxi service” in motion as there is usually a kid needing to go in some direction each day. I am thankful to have Randy, Brandon’s dad, join forces with me as another driver.. he is always so helpful and willing to run the ‘shuttle’ as needed!
In May, we said goodbye for now to our beautiful and loving Grandma Gray as she entered into her Heavenly Home to meet Jesus. We are thankful for the hope we have because of the sacrifice He made for each of us on the cross. Because of this hope, we know there we will a beautiful reunion with passed loved ones one day!
So thankful for God’s provisions for our family this year. We continue to invest into our home and future ministry here at Grace Haven Ranch. God is faithful!
May the MIRACLE of Christmas fill your hearts and homes with JOY and warm you throughout the New Year!
The Campbells
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