Brandon and I struggled with the decision of whether or not to have Julie's tonsils and adenoids removed. After much prayer and research, God gave us both a peace about going through with it. We had both talked with many people who said that their child was a new child afterwards and not so sick all the time. So, we took Julie early this morning to the Jones Clinic in Springdale where Dr. Gluth took her tonsils and adenoids out. She did SO good, was very big and brave (I don't think she really understood what the word 'surgery' meant until it was all over with!) To say the least, she was not too happy when they brought her back to us afterwards. Of coarse, the anesthesia makes anyone a little disoriented and out of it.
Dr. Gluth told us that her adenoids were especially large and that there was alot of old infected mucus behind them. That made us feel alot better about our decision to have them removed. All along they were just holding in and causing infection...poor baby- no wonder she's had to 'live' on antibiotics! She can already breathe so much better thru her nose. So hopefully she's on her way to a quick recovery and back to her old self again. Until then that means lots of jello, popsicles, ice cream...!!!
So now we are back at home all taking it easy. The girls are both taking their naps (I'm about to join them) and since Brandon took the day off, he went to WalMart and is getting Julie's prescriptions filled...He just called from Lowes asking what kind of screen door I like.. Yah! I've always wanted a back screen door! (I also hinted that I needed my car washed and vacuumed out at the carwash... we'll see if he caught the hint). So, he's out running around... enjoying his day off from work.
Again, I want to thank each of you for praying for our little Julie and her surgery. Please continue to pray for a smooth recovery and that she will begin to have better health with her ears, throat, nose, etc...
We love you!
(pictured: As soon as Julie hit the pillow she was out...all that anesthesia and pain medicine makes you tired!)
I'm so glad all went well. I've been thinking about her alot today! We'll pray for a speedy recovery!
Glad it went well!! Did you get your door? : )
Yea!!! Glad to hear it all went well. I just got home from tutoring about an hour ago, we ate dinner (that I had in the crockpot all day) and I think I am getting ready to crash on the couch. I'll try to call in a couple of days!
We are so glad that everything went well. God is so good; He loves His precious little babies! We'll be praying for her to have a quick recovery and for the whole family to get rest.
Love you guys,
The Hickmans
I've been thinking about Julie & hope this will make all the difference for her little body! I'm sure the ice cream has been helping her feel better.
What a sweet girl. I hope she gets to feeling better very soon. It's so hard to watch your babies feeling bad.
Hi Miranda, we prayed for Julie Wed. i'm glad everything went okay. We're in the same discusssion group!
Miranda! I'm so glad I found your blog. You have two beautiful little girls!! I hope Julie is feeling much better now.
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